
Gifts can be made easily directly to the Manitoba Historical Society, a registered Canadian charity, to continue our mission – Keeping Manitoba and Prairie history alive for future generations.

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MHS - building demolition


Planned giving allows donors to make sure that their support will continue in perpetuity after they are no longer able to contribute personally. Some options for planned giving are:

Most outright gifts are made in cash but, as with bequests, anything of value may be given. For non-cash assets, however, we ask that you first check with the MHS office to ensure that the planned gift meets our acceptance criteria.

If you already have a relationship with a professional—a financial planner, lawyer, accountant, or insurance agent—you can talk to them about planning a gift. They can tell you about the tax benefits of a gift and can offer some creative ideas about planning gifts that will meet all your personal and charitable objectives. If you do not have an advisor and need assistance, ask the MHS office for a “Leave a Legacy Manitoba” brochure which will provide helpful suggestions and a list of local organizations that can refer you to an appropriate professional.

Life insurance policies are an excellent way to make a substantial gift by naming the MHS as a beneficiary. If you are still making payments on an existing policy or if you purchase a new policy for this purpose you can arrange to receive a charitable tax receipt for the premiums you pay.

A gift through your Will could be for a specific amount or a percentage of what is left after you have provided for your loved ones. It could also be property, stocks and bonds, or other non-cash assets. A bequest also has tax benefits for your estate.

Bequests can be a residual amount (for example, a percentage of your estate), or they can be a specific dollar amount. A bequest will support many aspects of the MHS, whether it is designated to general operations, or a specific project.

The benefits of making a bequest include:

  1. You can use the asset during your life;
  2. A bequest can reduce taxes owed by your estate;
  3. A bequest can be modified if your financial circumstances change.

If you wish to make a bequest to the MHS in your will, it can be helpful to your lawyer to have a sample will clause, stating those wishes. Here is an example:

“I direct my Executor or Trustee to pay to the Manitoba Historical Society of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Charitable No. 122814601RR0001 (___percentage (%) of my Estate; or the sum of $___). I request that my bequest be used for the following purpose:____________.”

Whether you are preparing a Will or writing a cheque, please make sure the MHS’s name and address are shown correctly. This is especially important with bequests, as any ambiguity in a Will can lead to your intentions being disregarded.

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Gifts-in-kind such as historical artifacts, photographs, books, etc. are accepted with the understanding that their ownership is transferred to the MHS. We reserve the right to determine the retention and disposition of all such gifts. Where possible, donated items will be deposited in a suitable archives for the benefit of future generations. As desired, donated items may be appraised and a tax receipt issued in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulations and guidelines, and MHS policies and procedures.

Please contact the MHS office to discuss your donation of a gift-in-kind.

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