

Suspendise lectus magna, interdum ac nibh ut, consequat porttitor massa. In aliquet congue augue at feugiat. Aenean finibus condimentum erat, et consectetur metus auctor quis.


Suspendise lectus magna, interdum ac nibh ut, consequat porttitor massa. In aliquet congue augue at feugiat. Aenean finibus condimentum erat, et consectetur metus auctor quis.


Suspendise lectus magna, interdum ac nibh ut, consequat porttitor massa. In aliquet congue augue at feugiat. Aenean finibus condimentum erat, et consectetur metus auctor quis.

Do you have a question on Manitoba history for which you cannot find an answer? Maybe we can help.

Here are some of the services that MHS researchers can provide.

Do you want to know about the building in which you live or work? Depending where your building is located, we can identify who designed it, who built it, and who lived or worked in it before you.

Has your company or organization been in operation a long time? Let us research its history and prepare a report describing the people and events that have shaped your group.

Are you trying to find a long-lost relative in Manitoba or learn more about the circumstances of their life here? We can find such information as dates of birth, marriage, and death, location of burial, and more. We can help to research and write obituaries for loved ones who have passed away.

Are you looking for a specific location for a film, television, or commercial shoot? We have extensive knowledge of sites and buildings throughout Manitoba that will meet your creative, aesthetic, budgetary, and environmental needs.

A lot of great, historical information is not written down but exists only in the memories of people who lived it. We can interview them and provide recordings and written transcriptions of their memoirs.

Do you have a historical project that never got completed? We can finish it for you. Do you have some work that is not described here? Contact us!

Meet the MHS Researchers here.

Contact us with your question and we will respond on what we think it may take to find an answer. In some cases, we may be able to provide a quick answer at no charge. Otherwise, we will estimate for you what it will cost to do more thorough research.

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