In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Council of the Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) in April 2023, a Prairie History Endowment Fund has been created at The Winnipeg Foundation as a separate trust under the MHS Agency Fund with an initial contribution of $10,000.
The primary goal of this endowment is to sustain the publication of Prairie History magazine because it advances all aspects of the Society’s mandate—public education, research, celebration, communication and advocacy. Just as important, MHS wishes to assure that future generations have the opportunity and financial capacity to continue telling stories about the past. By pooling community gifts and creating a sustainable funding base for Prairie History, MHS hopes to establish a legacy to help celebrate our 150th anniversary in 2029 as Western Canada’s oldest historical society.
The Prairie History Endowment Fund will generate an annual payment in April of each year to help defray design, printing, distribution and other costs associated with the publication of Prairie History. The terms of reference for this endowment provide that at least 10% of the annual grant shall be allocated at the discretion of the Editorial Board to the promotion of young historians or the publication of research by graduate university students.
There shall be a progress report included on the agenda of future AGMs with the final report concluding this endowment building campaign coinciding with the MHS 150th anniversary in 2029. The financial goal or key milestone for measuring success is $600,000 over the six-year period because that level of contributed capital will generate sufficient annual income to pay current costs. As an aspiration, the dream would be a 150th anniversary annuity of $1.5 million.
All donations to the Prairie History Endowment Fund will be acknowledged with appreciation and will generate an official charitable receipt for income tax purposes issued by either The Winnipeg Foundation or MHS.
Beginning in 2024, those who make a leadership contribution to this endowment building effort will be publicly acknowledged in each issue of Prairie History. Recognition will take into account cumulative gifts if a donor contributes over several years and, with permission, will list those reaching one of the following thresholds: $1000 (Bronze); $3000 (Silver); $6000 (Gold) $10,000 (Platinum), and $35,000 (Patron).
The MHS Council names Richard Frost as Chair of the endowment building effort with authority to gather a circle of advisors who together may promote the Prairie History Endowment Fund in accordance with this mandate. The Chair will have access to any budget or management information related to the publication and distribution of Prairie History. In the normal course of promoting the endowment, the Chair may have opportunity to sell advertising and has full authority to do so. The Chair will also, as opportunities allow, present information and coordinate activities with the broader MHS program agenda. MHS agrees that it will not make decisions related to Prairie History without giving some advance notice to the Chair. The Chair serves at the pleasure of the Council.